Phineas and Ferb NEWS!!   

SO far not much is going on. A new episode of Phineas and Ferb from season three is said to come out rather this year or early 2011. It is expected to be called Rollercoaster The Musical. It is supposed to be about the same from the same episode except all the charactesr will randomly break out into songs.

There is also supposed to be an episode called Meapless in Seattle as in seen in the credits of the episode called The Chronicles Of Meap. It has not been said when it is going to air but i beileve it will air after Rollercoatser the Musical.

The news on the movie is still the same as before!

Tune in again in a couple of days to find out what else is new in the worls of Phineas and Ferb.

                                                                                 QUESTION OF THE WEEK and other contests

So far the winner of the QUESTION OF THE WEEK is JasmineAmazed she got the right answer for the question "In the Phineas and Ferb christmas special what does Meap get for christmas! CONGRATS!!!



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